Hi Nicole – thank you so much for this reading! Such great and motivating things to hear too. I appreciate you and your time doing this. 


Oh my goodness so rich, so helpful! EXACTLY what I needed to read especially letting go of painful lessons from the past and so much more! Need to absorb all of this lovely information! Thank you Nicole!


Hey there. I just listened again (listened 4x total!). I love the messages. I feel in a strong way that this might be a little more for the future. I’m  trying to figure out retirement and have different feelings on it, it will be a big step in our lives, I am scared. lol. I am scared to lose the security of my paycheck. if that makes sense. I think you are very good at this! Your voice is very calming and confident.


Wow… Just wow…. I will definitely sit with it and relisten and be aware but it already hits. And it hits hard but did help. It validated feelings I was having.


Little did you know, I had decided last night to return to therapy after seeing the first card.  I met with an old friend who actively practices reiki and chakra balancing.  We talked for a good three hours over all my struggles in finding a base to begin building on and today, I can honestly say I feel different.  The light seems a little brighter, and I don’t feel as weighed down .  I know I am on my own path, and there is no mere coincidence this was my card choice for last night. 


First off, I Love Love Love the readings! I love hearing your thoughts on the cards, I love that it feels more personal when you read them, I love listening to you, and I just love watching your videos. You’re so honest.
