Let’s find your route to really thriving and feeling fully alive.

It’s time to bust out from the endless loop of dissatisfaction and start building the life you’ve been longing for.

Do you ever take a look at your life and think,

“Is this it?”

You’re the type who’s made things happen, who’s always pushed to excel, and never shied away from doing what’s expected.

You’ve hustled all your life, delivered results, been the rock for others.

You’ve played your cards right and have a list of accomplishments to be proud of.

But despite walking that straight path with all your might…

The one thing missing is a real sense of satisfaction and a clear road ahead.

You’re supposed to be on cloud nine…

You’ve climbed to the top of your game.

Your bank account is healthy.

People look up to you, respect you.

But despite all this…

You sense something’s off.

There’s a gap in your life you can’t quite define, but you feel it.

You can’t shake the thought, “there has to be more”.

Guess what? Your feelings, your thoughts, they’re right on the money.

There IS more.

But getting there needs a fresh approach, unlike anything you’ve tried before.


(Feeling a tickle of curiosity? That’s a good sign. You’re right where you should be.)

I’m Nicole. I’m at your side to support you in designing and living your life your way.

I guide you in finding life’s spark and aim.

This way, you can begin to live a life that truly feels like your own.

If you want to:

  • Figure out your ideal path and exact steps to know yourself and your true desires

  • Reignite the excitement and motivation in your daily life

  • Be more involved and connected with your loved ones and feel a strong bond with them

  • Look and feel your best, and have an energy that pulls in better situations and chances

  • Feel more peaceful, settled, and rooted within yourself so your doubts naturally fade away

  • Elevate your way of living and start taking care of yourself properly


My complete approach will highlight what needs to change in your life and provide clear steps you need to focus on for deep, lasting change.

Ever said these to yourself “I’ll be content/happy/successful when…”?


We often get too caught up in hitting targets, fulfilling objectives, and pursuing outward signs of success: plaques, accolades, and validations on display.


We’ve been brought up to see success in life as an end goal. But unless you take a moment and ask yourself “What do I genuinely desire for myself?”…


You might end up living a life that doesn’t feel like your own.


How can I say this? Well, I’ve been in your shoes.



Wondering what’s my story?

If you team up with me, here's what's in store:

You’ll get to understand where your life’s lacking and figure out the next move…
…you’ll learn to lean more on your gut instinct when deciding…
…you’ll up your game on being kinder to yourself…
…you’ll train your mind to be more tuned in to your thoughts, helping you live more in the now…
…AND you’ll change the way you see yourself – from worrying about other’s opinions to really embracing how you see and feel about you.
Also, you’ll get one-on-one coaching and advice every step you take.
Look, I’ve been in this game of helping people do better for almost 30 years. Started in nursing, transitioned into my corporate days and now, as a coach focused on real, deep change…
I’ve seen it with my own eyes – real, lasting change is achievable. If you’re really keen on building a life you want, it’s within your reach. Trust me.

Join forces with me if you’re all set to dive deep and get real support…


And shape your life into something filled with satisfaction, delight, and affection.


Alright, here’s how we kick things off. Get ready for a different kind of coaching…

1:1 Coaching

This is a hands-on, personal coaching experience for those high-achievers out there who want to find more fulfillment in life. We’ll use my unique approach to bring more peace, love, and wealth into your world.

This choice is right up your alley if you…
  • Feel like you’re losing touch with what lights your fire, you’re craving a shake-up but don’t know which way to go.
  • Struggle with a feeling of emptiness and confusion, even though on paper, your career and personal life are successful.
  • Worry about slipping up, becoming irrelevant, and how that might affect your relationships and overall happiness.
  • Are in search of a life-changing solution that gives you clarity, fulfillment, and a deep inner alignment that’s hard to put into words, but you know you need it.
  • This is a tailor-made coaching program with a duration that fits your needs, aiming to bring you back in touch with the real you and unlock your full potential. This could lead to a big shift in your life.
  • Through a mix of personal 1-on-1 sessions and work you can do at your own pace after each session, you’ll embark on an amazing journey. This journey could lead to a huge breakthrough, giving you a deep sense of inner peace, nurturing loving and connected relationships, and bringing wealth into all areas of your life.

Here’s what you’ll get out of this experience…

Rediscover a sense of purpose that gives you clear guidance for your future.
Swap feelings of emptiness, confusion, and disconnect for a strong sense of meaning, confidence, and connection.
Build resilience, take charge of yourself, and make decisions that align with the real you.
Learn how to use the principles of manifestation and conscious creation to bring wealth, opportunities, and fulfillment into your life.
Did you have a dream when you started looking for coaching? Choosing this option, consider it achieved. You’ll have the guidance and the tools to build a life filled with deep satisfaction, alignment, and wealth.

Coaching using the Gene Keys

Want to go even deeper who you are at the Soul level? Learn about the amazing being you are with the use of Gene Keys. This is an invite for you to start a journey of self-discovery and uncover your life’s real purpose.
What are the Gene Keys? Well, they’re a tool to help you understand yourself better, like getting a roadmap of what makes you unique. When you were born, that special moment in time was captured that makes you who you are.
This is a snapshot of your genes that’s hidden deep inside you. But, the exciting part is, these moments of your birth can be broken down into different parts, like a combination lock, and they’re all stored in your DNA.
The Gene Keys help us unlock this code. This map gives us insight into who you are, how you tick, and why you’re here. It’s like having a personal guide to bring out the best you.
Now, the whole Gene Keys thing isn’t a quick fix, it’s more of a journey. You’ll need to be patient, think hard, ask questions, and be kind to yourself. It’s about diving deep into what makes you, you. And the cool part? It’s magic, it’s a mystery, and it’ll keep you hooked for life.
The Gene Keys way encourages you to trust yourself, to believe you have the answers. It’s about using your everyday life as inspiration, to make your life a work of art. It’s like syncing yourself with life’s rhythm and making your life a masterpiece.
When you first look at your Gene Keys profile, it might be a bit overwhelming. You’ll see all these shadows and gifts, and it can be tricky figuring out what it all means for your life.
That’s where I come in. My role is to help you understand all this, to make sense of your Gene Keys profile. I’ll be your guide, sharing what I’ve learned from my own experience with the Gene Keys. I’m here to help you connect with your own wisdom, to make your journey easier. Sound good?

Voxer Audio Coaching

Got a question eating at you? Just shoot it my way and I’ll respond with a 10-15 minute audio message just for you. It’s a straightforward, affordable way to get the answers you need.

Personalized Coaching

Considering a deep dive into your Gene Keys profile? Need some perspective on how you’re wired to face challenges in your job, money, purpose, or love life? Let’s sit down and hash it out, just you and me.

Long-Term Coaching

Looking at a personal coaching program? In this kind of session, I get to really understand what you’re hoping to get out of your chart. We can put together a coaching plan that not only meets but blows your expectations out of the water. This longer-term setup lets us really get into the thick of things.

So, what does life look like after the big change?

Let’s envision your dream life post-transformation:

You’ve got a clear game plan that’s intuitive and easy to put into action. It’s going to drive you towards your goals, and you’ll be prepared to handle any obstacles thrown your way.


You’re forging relationships that are real, deep, and rewarding because people are seeing the real you, not just some facade you put up to please others.


You realize there’s more to life than just work. You’re living a well-rounded life that’s layered with different forms of satisfaction, and you’ve found a new sense of joy and fun.


You’ve broken away from negative thinking, freeing up time to chase your goals, look after yourself, and truly live in the moment.


Your downtime is just that – downtime. You’re relaxed, at ease, and enjoying life without stress because you know you’re more than just your job. You’re defined by who you are at the core.


Monday mornings? You’re awake, refreshed, and eager to take on the day because you’re consciously shaping a life that brings you genuine happiness.


You’re clear on your purpose, finding fulfillment in your everyday life, balancing all aspects of living, and cherishing the precious moments you spend with your loved ones.

Now's your moment to choose you.

If not now, when?

Click that button below.  Note that this isn’t just any 15-minute chat. This could be a game-changing moment for you, giving you the tools and clarity you need to make a big difference in your life.

Book a call